Jewelry that is not for everyday use... I wonder who wears such heavy jewelry everyday and even if some do wear it, what kind of work do they do??? I wonder... But I really liked this display board and the tag line that headlines the display window. It was even more interesting since the shop was located in the heart of the sarafa market (gold market) in Chandi Chowk of the Old Delhi.
Some very exquisite pieces. Myself I don't wear much jewelry. I do always have an angel pin of some kind on, some days earrings, some days not. My watch if I'm leaving the house.
I came too and found my wife has already been here. I like the display of the jewelry. I don't wear any so I would not know what to do with it.
@Abe: you and Pat are favourites at my office. I have ensured that all my colleagues become addicted to your blogs :-)
Thanks for the comments.
Wow that was a real treat priyanka . I love jewellery( though am not the " diamonds are a girl's best friend "... type of a person ) and i was trying my best to see the details of those lovely display.May be in the process i did develop a crow's feet.....lol. Not that i wear such heavy stuff but i definately admire them ...specially the real ethnic stuffs.
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